Monday, June 25, 2012

A Summer of Service

I'm not sure where the idea came from or really even when it hit me, but a few weeks back I decided to start a new tradition. During the weeks of summer vacation from school, I am going to challenge my children to work together to complete 3 acts of service. 

Mostly, I like my children to learn good values. To put others first,  be aware of others' needs, that it doesn't have to mean money- time can be a valuable service, being an active member in your community, ........ really the list goes on and on. By working together I'm hopeful they will grow closer and form lasting memories of making a difference. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity for math, science, spelling, writing, and art along the way too! 

The best part is they get to help choose the service, so long as they are 3 different things. The first area of interest for all three seemed to revolve around animals. We are lovers of all things furry in this house so it's a natural fit. My plan is to contact our county humane program for ways they can help out.

The second idea is probably going to be the one put into action first. With Dustin's deployment winding down and soldiers getting ready to return it seems fitting to reach out to our military friends. Our plan is to bake treats for the 6 single soldiers in my husbands platoon. Logan loves to bake! Gavin loves to stir and taste test, and Jacey loves all things messy- like cracking eggs! Perfect fit for us since most single soldiers are handed a set of keys to an empty barracks room upon landing. The least we can do is have a big plate of home made treats waiting for them, maybe even some milk and soda to wash them down with too!

We haven't yet decided on #3- suggestions are always welcome! I'm thinking it might have something to do with children/homeless...... we'll have to see what the kids think up! 

Of course I will keep posting along the way so you can follow their progress. I hope it's a great way to keep them learning throughout the summer while building lots of character and memories.

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